W-3- Women Wine & Wisdom
Wednesday January 29, 2025 4:00-6:00 PM
Please join RWSFF for W-3 at Village Walk of Naples.
The Village Walk Restaurant The Village Spot will be the W-3 Gathering Place we will gather there for Appetizers and Cash Bar.
Women have Wisdom– an evening of discussion; RWSFF will stay laser focused on K-12 Education; the Collier County School Board and all the issues regarding the Students! We support our Veterans– through the VFW and encourage you to get involved and make a difference today!
Men are always welcome to join the conversation.
Gated Community– enter the Guest entrance -tell the gate attendant that you are going to an event at the Village Spot- RWSFF W-3 –Resident Diane Van Parys
4154 Los Altos Ct.
RWSFF Members & Guests a complimentary event
RSVP Required for accurate count: speedyrsvp@gmail.com or call: 239-431-5224