What is the Army Corps Doing to Collier County
On Tuesday, August 3rd, the CCCVPAC hosted an event that discussed the Army Corps of Engineers proposal to put up walls and berms to reduce flooding in the coastal area of Collier County. Invitations were sent to residents of Naples Cay and Park Shore area. Over 75 people signed up to attend and most showed up even though a nasty storm was bearing down at opening.
Scott Schultz, a Naples Cay resident presented his findings after many frustrating months reviewing the 1,600 page document and of trying to gather information from countless public officials. The Army Corps has not put into their plan any of the suggestion from the public or agencies.
Enjoy the photo gallery, video and summary below.
Summary of Scott Schultz on Reasons to Oppose
Look no further than New Orleans and Katrina to see how much damage can be done after their work.
- Berms 20 feet down, 15 feet up, 25-50 yards base of poured concrete on and off from Bonita Beach Road to Marco Island?
- 14 foot Sea Walls Bonita Beach Road, Seagate Drive, Tamiami Trail from Davis/41, etc., bisection to the Collier County Buildings on Airport Pulling?
- 3 sand pipelines from 33 miles out to the mainland?
- Sea Turtle habitat destroyed, fines for any sea turtles or manatees harmed? Money sent to ‘next of kin’ of the turtles or manatees?
- We must destroy the beachfront to save it?
- 60% possible success against mother nature for $3+ Billion?
- $150,000 damage to Baypointe in Naples Cay from IRMA? Worth this expenditure of billions of $3+billion?
- $174,000,000 in lost property tax revenue to City of Naples for land acquisition, and eminent domain?
- City of Naples has no say?
- Wall along Seagate would require uprooting 50 banyan trees, etc?
- Water level rise may be 1 foot per century, this equates to just over one inch every 10 years?
- Sluice gates along Seagate Drive to be open 80% of the time each month annually?
- Why are all Collier County taxpayers to pay for ‘faux protection’ for beach front property owners?
- How did this project begin, and how has it continued?
- Why does Collier County need ACE and their strings, when 1 mill tax generates about $1 Billion with complete local control of entire process?
- Horse trading on wall placement with ACE is ‘fools errand’.
- Cost of $50-80,000,000 annually for maintenance for 60 years?
- 7 years of construction affecting all aspects of tourism and life in Collier County.
- Seagate Drive will be a ‘concrete hauling’ service drive.
- Why isn’t this being done in full cooperation with all taxpayers in Collier County, and City of Naples?
- Has any Government project ever come in ‘on time, and/or on budget’? Why take such risks with one of the world’s most beautiful locations full of natural beauty, wildlife, livelihoods, and home for us all?
Watch the Presentation
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Contact Your Commissioners
Rick LoCastro
District 1 Email: Rick.LoCastro@colliercountyfl.gov
(239) 252-8601
Andy Solis, Esq.
District 2 Email: Andy.Solis@colliercountyfl.gov
(239) 252-8602
Burt L. Saunders
District 3 Email: Burt.Saunders@colliercountyfl.gov
(239) 252-8603
Penny Taylor
District 4 Email: Penny.Taylor@colliercountyfl.gov
(239) 252-8604
Vice Chairman
District 5 Email: Bill.McDaniel@colliercountyfl.gov
(239) 252-8605